成果 | 我中心李荣杰副教授在管理学国际期刊《Information Technology & People》发表论文

Lee, J.C. and Chen, C.Y. Exploring the Effects of Team Coordination and Power Distance on Effective Software Process Tailoring: A Theoretical Perspective, Information Technology & People, Published: 15 September 2021.




Software process tailoring (SPT) plays a critical role in contemporary software development. Because SPT determines how a software project proceeds, its effectiveness should be investigated. Specifically, SPT is a collaborative yet highly conflictual process, and the existing literature has paid little or no attention to how team members coordinate and to how power distance (PD) influences coordination under this conflictual situation for the purpose of fostering SPT effectiveness. A propositional research method is utilized by reviewing the extant literature regarding SPT, team coordination and PD. Accordingly, several propositions are developed to theorize the contributive and moderating effects of team coordinative capabilities and PD on SPT effectiveness. This study advances the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the four distinct coordination capabilities in performing SPT, which will help software firms comprehend the moderating effects of PD on the relationships among coordinative capabilities and SPT effectiveness. This study extends coordination theory and reveals four coordination capabilities that nurture SPT effectiveness. Moreover, this study demonstrates how power plays a role in the coordination of a team through the collaborative yet divergent SPT decision process to yield an integrative tailoring solution. In particular, we take a fresh viewpoint of PD considering the member-member relationship in exploring its moderating effects in the SPT context.



软件流程裁剪 (SPT) 在当代软件开发中发挥着关键作用。因为软件过程裁剪决定了软件项目如何进行,所以应该调查其有效性。具体而言,软件流程裁剪是一个协作但高度冲突的过程,现有文献很少或根本没有关注团队成员如何协调以及在这种冲突情况下权力距离如何影响成员间的协调,以提高 SPT 的有效性。利用命题研究方法回顾了有关软件过程裁剪、团队协调和权力距离的现有文献。因此,本文提出了几个命题来理论化团队协调能力和权力距离对SPT有效性的调节作用。本研究加深了对执行软件流程裁剪的四种不同协调能力的潜在机制的理解,这将有助于软件公司理解权力距离对协调能力和 SPT 有效性之间关系的调节作用。这项研究扩展了协调理论,揭示了培养 SPT 有效性的四种协调能力。此外,这项研究展示了权力如何通过协作但发散的 SPT 决策过程在团队协调中发挥作用,以产生整合的解决方案。特别是,本文考虑到成员与成员之间的关系,对权力距离采取了全新的观点,以探索其在 SPT 背景下的调节作用。