讲座预告 | 王剑程:Rice Farming and Stock Market Participation


主讲人:王剑程,现为中山大学国际金融学院科研博士后。王剑程博士毕业于西南财经大学经济与管理研究院,他的研究领域集中于家庭金融、数字经济以及创新创业等,目前已经在International Small Business Journal (SSCI) 、《经济学(季刊)》等期刊发表论文。王剑程博士曾在西南财经大学中国家庭金融调查与研究中心担任兼职研究人员,参与中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)的问卷设计、访员培训以及实地调研等活动,对CHFS数据的访问执行、质量控制、数据清洗等有较为深入的了解。

讲座内容:We study the effect of rice farming culture on stock market participation. We find that households influenced by rice farming have a higher stock market participation rate. In particular, we show that strong rice farming culture boost stock market participation by encouraging information sharing, lowering the household’s risk aversion, and increasing the likelihood of transferring money from family. Our results highlight agricultural culture as an important factor in influencing economic outcomes.


时间:2020年11月12日 13:30

