







1. Hoba, S.; Fink, G.R.; Zeng, H*. Weidner, R*., (2022) View-normalization of object size in right parietal cortex. Vision (In press)

2. Zeng, H*., Chen, S., Fink, G. R., & Weidner, R. (2022). Information Exchange between Cortical Areas: The Visual System as a Model. The Neuroscientist, 10738584211069061.

3. Chen, S., Weidner, R., Zeng, H., Fink, G. R., Müller, H. J., & Conci, M. (2021). Feedback from lateral occipital cortex to V1/V2 triggers object completion: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging and dynamic causal modeling. Human brain mapping, 42(17), 5581-5594.

4. Zeng, H*., Fink, G. R., & Weidner, R. (2020). Visual size processing in early visual cortex follows lateral occipital cortex involvement. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(22), 4410-4417.

5. Chen, S., Weidner, R., Zeng, H., Fink, G. R., Müller, H. J., & Conci, M. (2020). Tracking the completion of parts into whole objects: Retinotopic activation in response to illusory figures in the lateral occipital complex. NeuroImage, 207, 116426.

6. Zeng, H*., Kreutzer, S., Fink, G. R., & Weidner, R. (2017). The source of visual size adaptation. Journal of Vision, 17(14), 8-8.

7. Zeng, H*., Weidner, R., Fink, G. R., & Chen, Q. (2017). Neural correlates underlying the attentional spotlight in human parietal cortex independent of task difficulty. Human brain mapping, 38(10), 4996-5018.

8. Jiang, Y., Li, S., Li, Y., Zeng, H., & Chen, Q. (2016). Effect of the retinal size of a peripheral cue on attentional orienting in two-and three-dimensional worlds. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(5), 1285-1292.

9. Wang, H., Liu, N., Zou, G., Li, H., Zeng, H., Chen, J., & Chen, Q. (2016). The Simon effect based on the egocentric and allocentric reference frame. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(2), 427-436.



[1] 2021-2023, 教师课堂注意力机制研究, 北京师范大学科研启动项目(项目负责人)

[2] 2020-2022, 直播与录播的教学过程与教学效果的研究--基于眼动和行为数-广东省哲学社会科学规划学科共建项目(项目负责人)



[1]科隆大学优秀博士毕业论文(summa cum laude)

[2]国家留学基金委 CSC 留学奖学金









 E-mail: zenghang14@gmail.com; 91122020089@bnu.edu.cn